The long and
short period death-causing diseases can be cured by a very simple way. It is called the “water therapy.” The
Japanese Medical Association has published an article on it, and explains that
if you practice water therapy you will be cured from long and short period
death-causing diseases mentioned below:
1. Headache, Blood Pressure, anemia, paralysis, fast heart beat and fainting.
2. Cough, bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis (TB).
3. Hyperacidity, gastritis, dysentery, constipation, piles, diabetes.
4. All eye problems.
5. Women’s irregular periods and cancer of the reproductive system.
6. Disease of the nose, the ear and the throat.
1. Headache, Blood Pressure, anemia, paralysis, fast heart beat and fainting.
2. Cough, bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis (TB).
3. Hyperacidity, gastritis, dysentery, constipation, piles, diabetes.
4. All eye problems.
5. Women’s irregular periods and cancer of the reproductive system.
6. Disease of the nose, the ear and the throat.
Method of Water Therapy
Get up early in the morning and even before brushing your
teeth and washing your face, drink water up to four (4) glasses then don’t
drink or eat for at least forty-five (45) minutes. After drinking the water you may
brush your teeth and wash your face. When you begin this therapy, don't drink water immediately after eating food whether your breakfast, lunch or dinner, you must always wait for two hours when you have finished your food before drinking water. Avoid
eating food just before going to bed.
The sick and diseased people are advised to begin with one or
two glasses of water, and then slowly may increase on up to four glasses of
water first thing every morning, and may continue drinking regularly. Speaking truthfully, all sick and
healthy people should try this water therapy. The sick will be cured and
restored to their health, while the healthy will hardly ever fall ill.
The quantity of water you take later in the day is up to you, what is important here is that you take four
glasses early in the morning and don't drink water immediately after a meal.
glasses early in the morning and don't drink water immediately after a meal.
Through experience and observation, it has been found out
that the following different diseases were cured within the period shown below:
- Highpertention- High Blood Pressure - 1 month
- Gas problems - 10 days
- Diabetes – 1 month
- Constipation – 10 days
- Cancer - 6 months
- Tuberculosis - 3 months
Those who
suffer Gas and Rheumatism should do this therapy 3 times a day for 10 days. This water therapy is really very easy and
simple, it does not cost even a penny. Indeed, this method works like a miracle
for the poor of our country because it restores their health without any money
or medicine.
All men and
women are advised to advertise this water therapy so that all sick people can
be helped to cure their diseases. Those who cannot drink 4 glasses at a time
should begin by drinking one or two glasses initially and slowly reach up to 4
glasses. Only in the beginning for about 3 days one has to urinate frequently.
But after 3 or 4days the urine will be regular.
Be healthy and remain healthy.
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